Learn to Rewire Your Brain and Live More Joyfully
Be amongst the first in the country to learn how to rewire your brain from stress into joy.
Stress has been linked to just about every physical illness imaginable; whether as a risk factor, a cause, or the triggering event. People experiencing moderate to high levels of stress most of time are at greater risk of many physical health issues, including heart disease, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Stress can also play a role in contributing to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, anger issues and memory loss (as the cortisol released from our bodies breaks down our brain cells). Being under stress most of the time can lead people to seek relief in a number of unhealthy and dangerous ways such as drinking, smoking, food addiction, and overspending. No wonder it is the one of the biggest concerns that we face as a nation right now!
So, what’s the opposite of stress? JOY! Joy does not mean simply being ridiculously happy all the time, but rather it refers to being in a state of homeostasis – where the mind and body are calm and working in conjunction with one another – a healthier state in which stress is more easily tolerated and managed and where you feel more in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions. And when the emotional brain is in balance, everything improves - thoughts, feelings, relationships, behavior and health.
So how do you achieve this elusive state of “joy” in your life? By rewiring your brain. More and more people are waking up to the idea that we have more control over our brains than the experts once thought. We are now more aware that we have emotional circuits in our brains that are encoded early in life or later during stress or trauma which essentially have a negative effect on our health and happiness. So, what if you could rewire those circuits to work with you rather than against you? You can! This is what the tools of Emotional Brain Training (EBT) teach you to do.
EBT originated over thirty years ago out of research being done at the University of California, San Francisco and has being going strong in the US ever since. It draws its influence from a number of psychological theories, including attachment theory, psychotherapy, stress management programmes, and most of all neuroscience. Under the umbrella of neuroscience comes the concept of “self-directed neuroplasticity,” one of the key components of EBT. We know, for example, that some areas of the brain are more “plastic” or flexible than others and that we can rewire or change some of our circuitry to be able to more naturally move into a state of joy.
Knowing that you have the ability to change our brain states, feelings and beliefs - even some of those things that were installed in you from childhood - is very exciting. It means that you no longer have to fall victim to the things that cause you stress; you no longer have to turn to external, negative solutions (like overeating, overspending, overanalysing or overthinking) to give you pleasure or make you feel more in control. You can instead be more aware of how you perceive yourself and the world around you by finding all the joy and pleasure from within yourself. It is only then that you can truly live more often in a balanced, homeostatic state.
EBT goes a long way towards teaching you tools that you can consciously use on a day to day to basis to change your brain state from a Level 5 (extremely stressed) to a Level 1 (calm and balanced); thus empowering you to use your own software (conscious mind) to change your hardware (unconscious mind). And the best way to learn these techniques and get the most benefit out of them, the research has shown, is by using the tools with other people in a group setting.
Therefore, I will be holding group sessions in “EBT Basics - Wired for Joy” in 2012. The training will consist of 7 sessions (twice a week) for four weeks via a teleconference. The teleconference allows for a safe and confidential place where you can feel more open to sharing secrets about yourself without the fear of judgement or criticism.
The dates and times for the sessions are as follows:
Tuesday 6th March, 19:00 – 20:00
Thursday 8th March, 19:00 – 20:00
Tuesday 13th March, 19:00 – 20:00
Thursday 15th March, 19:00 – 20:00
Tuesday 20th March, 19:00-20:00
Thursday 22nd March, 19:00 – 20:00
Tuesday 27th March, 19:00-20:00
The cost of the sessions in total is £189 (inclusive of VAT) plus an incidental cost of about £35 ($57) for the materials fee which includes a hard copy journal and access to online videos and audio recordings to supplement your learning.
Please contact me at gianna@innerbalancehypnotherapy.co.uk to secure your place or for more information. Places are limited to between 6-8 participants to ensure that you get the most of the training.
Be amongst the first in the country to use and learn these amazing techniques to rewire your brain away from stress and into joy. I have also been practicing Cognitive Hypnotherapy over the past 5 years, so I have much experience and knowledge about how to harness the power of the mind to create real and lasting changes in peoples’ lives.
"EBT offers a scientific solution to stress and is the missing link in health care."
- John Gray, PhD, Psychologist
"EBT is a novel and compelling approach to gaining control over one's life."
- Bruce McEwen, PhD, The Rockefeller University
"EBT is the real deal!"
- Candace Pert, PhD, Neuroscientist
For research on EBT, please CLICK HERE
For the Inner Balance Hypnotherapy website, please CLICK HERE